Terms of Use
1. General provisions
The Equestrian Federation Information Platform offers various operational services to its members enabling organization of the equestrian sports events, including competitions, trainings and other relevant activities. Through the Platform the organisers of the equestrian events schedule and set up events, open events for registration, process payments, payouts and refunds, prepare inscriptions and entries´ data to run a show, document the results, enter and publish the results. Hereinafter "organiser" refers to the roles of the administrative authority, hosting club and financial beneficiary; these roles can be fulfilled by one or several legal entities in cooperation with each other and the FRBSE-KBRSF.
Through the Platform, FRBSE-KBRSF facilitates entries of athletes to events under the authority of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) and other international equestrian authorities of the supported disciplines (for example, FITE), approves or rejects entries, exchanges data with FEI and other international equestrian authorities, receives results from FEI database and other sources that are used to calculate qualifications, rankings, handicaps, and publish statistics. Results´ data as well as personal data such as age, membership or affiliation to certain club or regional organization is processed to validate athletes´, equines´(hereinafter "horses") and combinations´ eligibility to enter equestrian events. The results´ data is also processed to calculate qualifications, rankings, handicaps and other analytical outputs, publish statistics, prepare and publish reports.
The FRBSE-KBRSF facilitates immatriculation of horses to database, processes horse immatriculations, registrations in FEI, declarations regarding change of horse´s responsible persons and organisations, pony measurements documentation, FEI passport, recognition cards, duplicates and stickers applications and payments for these applications and services. The FRBSE-KBRSF is authorized to add horse´s data to the FEI database and activate FEI yearly registrations for horses and athletes participating in international events. The FRBSE-KBRSF collects and processes data on organisers (affiliated organisations, such as regional authorities) of the equestrian events, including managing the permissions and access of the organisers to their own and participants´ data as configured based on the FRBSE-KBRSF´s regulations. FRBSE-KBRSF and affiliated organisations (leagues) process the licensing of athletes, including collection and handling of background information needed for licensing decisions, such as equestrian diplomas, certificates, previous experience in equestrian sports. FRBSE-KBRSF manages the process of assignments and renewals of professional qualifications of equestrian officials and trainers in equestrian sports, as well as administrative staff of affiliated organisations.

The Equestrian Federation Information Platform (FIPA) is licenced to the FRBSE-KBRSF (hereinafter referred to as “service provider”). The domain of FIPA is https://competitions.equibel.be
FIPA is meant to run equestrian shows in all FEI (International Equestrian Federation) disciplines as well as in Western Riding, Pony Games, Horseball and TREC and assist with management tasks in the equestrian sports. FIPA´s configurations follow the Belgian regulative framework for the equestrian sports. FIPA handles information on end users involved in equestrian sports (i.e. athletes, organisations´ representatives, horses´ responsible persons, officials in equestrian sports, administrative staff etc) and horses. It also handles the technical operations, including data exchange with other services, and provides analytics based on operational data collected, including competition results, qualifications, rankings, handicaps, statistics, reports.
The use of the system by the end users is authorized by the FRBSE-KBRSF and should take place in accordance with the national laws as well as the FRBSE-KBRSF´s regulations. Users under 18 should use the system only with the permission of their parents and/or legal guardians and they are not allowed to use credit cards´ to pay for the services and products through FIPA.
These terms of use apply also to parents or legal guardians of users under 18.
The responsible data controller is the FRBSE-KBRSF. The data processor is Fipatech OÜ, all rights to the content of FIPA belong to Fipatech OÜ.
2. Changes to services and configurations
The service provider and/or the data processor can make changes to FIPA configurations and features or functionalities at any time without prior notice. Before making changes, we will examine the impact of changes on our end users and if the impact is extensive and negative, we will provide our users with reasonable notice regarding the changes. Documentation and instructions distributed through the Help Desk service will be updated accordingly. The users accept the changes when using the service.
3. Account and registration
All users of the Equidata system will get an account in FIPA. New user accounts will be added either directly by request of a user or via the equestrian clubs´ membership registers Bridle and Equiclub. Information with the members register (Bridle and Equiclub) will be synced immediately on running basis. Account holders can sign in to FIPA using their e-mail address and or the licence number and create themselves a password.
Account for horses´ responsible persons will be created or updated upon confirmation of the horse immatriculation application or horse responsible data change application. Account for administrative staff members, foreign riders and/or officials will be created upon request. If necessary, a consent from a person will be acquired.
All equestrian club and regional organisations affiliated to the FRBSE-KBRSF will get a profile in FIPA, administrators of profile will be assigned by the FRBSE-KBRSF (staff members). Staff members can be managed by other staff members and by the FRBSE-KBRSF.
Opening an account for a natural person or a profile for a legal person is free of charge.
The service provider has a right to refuse opening an account or creating a profile. The service provider may refuse use of services if deems necessary, including the suspension or termination of the access to the account or certain functionalities, i.e. entries to events under the account.
4. Personal information and its use
The user´s personal information will be transferred either from the Equidata system, Bridle or Equiclub or collected from users. The basic required information is the name, address, e-mail, phone number, date of birth, gender, national identification number, username (licence number) and password. The system collects and stores additional information, such as FEI licence number, club membership data, data on licences and payments for licences, data on professional qualifications and professional experience, exams, diplomas and certificates, IP address and other information.
The service provider doesn´t disclose personal information to third parties, except when disclosure is requested by law and/or by the regulations imposed by the service provider in relation to the equestrian sports. The user has the right to check the personal data collected in the system. For further information of data protection, check the Privacy Statement.
5. Responsibilities of users
We expect users to maintain a respectful environment when using our services and to take all reasonable steps to keep their account and personal information secure. It is not allowed to disclose username and password to third parties. The user should notify immediately the service provider if the username and password is disclosed to third party.
When using our services on behalf of an organisation, i.e. for organising equestrian events, an authorized representative of an organisation must agree and follow these terms of use in his/her work. Hereinafter term "organiser" refers to all roles associated with equestrian event, including administrative authority, hosting club and financial beneficiary. These roles can be fulfilled pursuant to internal procedures and regulations by one or several legal persons in cooperation with each other and the FRBSE-KBRSF. Service provider won´t be responsible for the following liabilities: loss of profits, revenues, business opportunities, goodwill, or anticipated savings, indirect or consequential loss, punitive damages.
The services can only be used for the purposes they have been designed and in good manner. If end user or organisation shares or distributes any content through the services (logos, documents, photos etc) it is the responsibility of user or user acting on behalf of an organisation to make sure he/she possesses all the necessary rights to do so and that the content is lawful.
In the system, users have access to other users´ intellectual property (logos, photos, descriptions of equestrian events, documents associated with equestrian events etc). Users may not use this content without the owners´ permission, or as otherwise allowed by law.
6. Athlete licences and insurances
Licensing is a paid service provided by the LEWB and Paardensport Vlaanderen to their members. Acquiring a first-time licence or renewal of licence can only happen with consent of a user. It is prohibited to act on behalf of a user without his/her consent. The service provider checks the eligibility criteria to purchase or upgrade a licence before allowing a user to order and pay for the licencing service. Eligibility criteria might include age, previous licence level, club membership status, status as administrative or sports officials, diplomas and certificates, nationality and other relevant parameters. Based on individual characteristics of a user, discounts may apply.
As a rule purchased licences are not refundable. Although an application can be submitted to the respective League explaining the circumstances and causes for possible refund. The League evaluates an application and makes a decision on possible refund and downgrade of the licence level.
As a rule purchased licences are not refundable. Although an application can be submitted to the respective League explaining the circumstances and causes for possible refund. The League evaluates an application and makes a decision on possible refund and downgrade of the licence level.
7. Entries and inscriptions to equestrian events
Entries and inscriptions to participate in equestrian events through the system should take place in accordance with the regulations laid down by the service provider and in accordance with the instructions given by the event organiser. User can authorize event organiser or another user to enter him/her to event. It is prohibited to enter other people to events without their consent.
Entry or inscription is valid only when it is complete and includes all required information. If the organiser uses the payments´ services in the system the entry is valid, when it is prepaid in full. The entry should be paid before the end of the period, when event is open for online entries. If maximum limits for a competition, group of competitions, competition day, whole event or any other limit is reached, no more entries are accepted and not paid entries cannot be paid and confirmed. If entry is not paid, it will be automatically cancelled. The user has no rights to restore the cancelled entry. In case of entries after the entry deadline they can only be accepted through the event organiser and the late entry fee may apply. If entry is done offline in a form of an oral or written request to organiser, an offline entry fee may apply. Refunds for cancelled entries will be usually paid out in 5 business days after the end of the event, if payment processor doesn´t have a different regulation for the respective payment method. The payment of refunds via the system is the responsibility of the event organiser.
Entries to international (FEI) events are subject to administrative fees. Administrative fees are bundled and invoiced at the beginning of the month for the international events with published results of the previous month. By entering the international equestrian event or authorizing the staff of the service provider to make entries or changes to entries, the user agrees to administrative fees´ payment obligation. Invoices for administrative fees are issued via FIPA and made accessible in the shopping basket of the responsible user. Service provider accepts online payments for invoices. If invoice is paid outside FIPA, user would need to contact the service provider and provide a proof of payment. The payment deadline for these invoices is 21 days and should be respected.
8. Horses´-related services
To immatriculate a horse, submit responsible data change application and other applications, an administrative fee may be imposed by the FRBSE-KBRSF. The service is delivered (horse immatriculated, horse´s responsible persons changed) after receiving a proof of payment. In some cases, the service provider may impose additional procedures, for example, manual review and checks of data correctness, for example, by cross checking data in open databases or comparing data with provided scans of official documents. If data provided by user is incorrect, the service provider may refuse the immatriculation of a horse and/or correct the horse´s data without asking a consent from user.
When using services via FIPA, the invoice is issued after the payment is confirmed and proof of payment received. The paid administrative fees are not refundable.
9. Payments
When using the payment system, user can pay with Debit or Credit card or other payment method available in the system. The payment service provider of the online payment service is Stripe Payments:
By accepting these terms, the user also accepts the Stripe User Terms of Service: Consumer Terms of Service (stripe.com)) and the privacy statement (Stripe Privacy Policy: https://stripe.com/en-no/privacy).
Users under the age of 18 are prohibited from paying by credit card. No card information is stored in FIPA. The service provider or data processor may contact STRIPE Help Services on behalf of users when authorised by the users to check the status of payments or refunds and/or to inform STRIPE on the defects and issues that might need improvements.
10. Service-related communication
Notifications, reminders, confirmations and announcements will be sent by the system and/or our Help Desk service to facilitate the use of services. Communication may also be directed to the legal guardians of minors and in some circumstances to the staff acting on behalf of organisations. As a rule, communication will be directed to the primary e-mail address of user and to the email of the guardian person, if provided. User should insure that communication can be delivered to his/her mailbox and e-mail address is spelled correctly. Service provider won´t be responsible for any of the liabilities caused by not delivered or not read communications, including the following liabilities: loss of profits, revenues, business opportunities, goodwill, or anticipated savings, indirect or consequential loss, punitive damages.
Based on users´ feedback, such as suggestions to improve the services, we may act on users´ feedback without obligation to users.
11. FEI yearly registration
FIPA platform facilitates issuing of the FEI yearly registrations for horses.
If you requested a yearly registration for Eventing, the FEI assumes that you have accepted the following legal conditions:
"In an attempt to improve risk management in Eventing, the FEI has added a mandatory release of medical/ veterinary information to the registration procedure for Eventing. This release allows the FEI to collect and evaluate medical/veterinary data regarding injury and treatment information of you as an athlete and/or of your horse. This is being done to support the analysis of the exact type of injuries sustained in Eventing, the value of protective equipment, and the quality and nature of medical & veterinary services. All such information will be treated as strictly confidential and used primarily for production of cumulative statistics which will assist us in continuously improving the risk management of the sport. Thank you for helping us in this effort."
12. Governing law and jurisdiction
These Terms of Use and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, Belgian law. The Courts of Brussels shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these terms of use.

Op Paasmaandag 1 april zal ons kantoor gesloten zijn.

Wij zijn er weer op 2 april!

Op vrijdag 15 maart zal ons kantoor gesloten zijn.

We apologise for the inconvenience!

Days until the Olympic Games
De Olymische spelen zijn gestart!